No love for 1980

Last year's Rock & Roll Hall of Fame nomination class did not include a single artist who first became eligible in 2005 (by first releasing a record in 1980). Wasn't there someone in last year's class that at least deserved a nomination?

The artists from this year who still have the best chances for future induction are The Replacements, Hüsker Dü, and New Order. All worthy bands, who laid the groundwork for countless artists, but not necessarily the type of platinum-selling artists who are slam-dunks for the Hall (like R.E.M. next year).

The rest of the snubbed class from 1980 can be found here. Who's your favorite from that year? Let us know in the comments.

Update: It appears the class of '81 hasn't been snubbed. It's the class of 1980 that failed to have a representative in last year's nominees. The 2007 Induction Ceremony actually honors the artists who were inducted in 2006. (thanks, Ben)