Uncovering the Next Generation's Hall of Fame

Nirvana | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Rock & Roll Hall of FamerCategory: PerformerInducted: 2014Inducted by: Michael StipeNominated: 2014First Eligible: 2014 Ceremony | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Inducted Members: Kurt Cobain, Krist Novoselic, Dave GrohlSnubbed Members: Chad ChanningInduction Ceremony Songs:
Inducted into Rock Hall Projected in 2014 (ranked #20) .
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Nirvana @ Wikipedia |
66 comments so far (post your own)Every new rock or punk band or whatever owes their lives to Nirvana. Without Nirvana none of the new bands would have existed (I'm talking to you Bayside & The Used)Kurt, with his lyrics and talent to write really catchy hooks added with Novoselic & Grohl as poetry in motion. I know Courtney Love's father Hank & he isn't a fan of the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame but I personally want to see this band get respect.Oh and also many hip hop artists are fans as well. So Nirvana has fans from every genre of music because their honest is a turn on and they were very influential. Kurt isn't on the physical earth anymore but I'd like to think had Kurt lived, maybe he'd found peace and got help and enjoyed the music and fame. Posted by Mark Craig on Sunday, 01/6/2013 @ 20:53pm |
NIRVANA needs to be in the hall of fame because the only hiccup the band ever had was smells like teen spirit (yes im going there) because even though that song was the song of the year for 1991 it gave the band (and kurt) so much undesired attention (but necessary attention) they still would have gotten famous regardless of that song because they had already been heard in california by 1990 but yes they need to be in the hall of fame Posted by James on Saturday, 01/19/2013 @ 20:43pm |
So tired of all the, "If Kurt hadn't of put a gun to his head..." commenters. Nirvana was HUGE even before Kurt committed suicide, and the reason for them staying huge afterward isn't solely because the lead singer is dead. They're a great band who put grunge music on the radar. Eddie Vedder has said himself many times that Pearl Jam along with a ton of other grunge bands wouldn't be where they are without Kurt Cobain. Overstatement? Possibly, since I'm sure they would have gotten there eventually - especially Pearl Jam because they're incredibly talented - but there's no denying that Nirvana's overnight hit of an album, Nevermind, helped slingshot a lot of grunge bands into the spotlight a heck of a lot quicker. I get that there are those who don't like Nirvana, which is fine. You're entitled to your opinion, and obviously not everyone is going to appreciate the same bands/musicians. But just because you don't like them doesn't mean they don't deserve to be recognized by the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. I look forward to their induction in 2014. Posted by Ann on Tuesday, 02/12/2013 @ 16:58pm |
Given their major impact on the entire alternative and rock music scene, Nirvana is almost a lock at first-time induction. Posted by John Cady on Wednesday, 02/20/2013 @ 10:30am |
Nirvana most definitely deserves to be in the Hall of Fame and in its initial qualifying year. Posted by Carla on Wednesday, 04/24/2013 @ 23:09pm |
Nirvana will get in next year, but Soundgarden? I don't think they will be as popular with the voters the first time around on the ballot. Nirvana was a much, much bigger influence. Posted by Robert on Monday, 04/29/2013 @ 10:28am |
No chance that Chad Channing is inducted with the band. He performed on one pretty good album that doesn't really make or break this group's Hall of Fame career. It will just be the trio that gets in. Posted by |
The release of the single "Love Buzz" in Nov. 1988 technically seems to make Nirvana eligible to be on the ballot. BUT - They didn't release the album Bleach or fully sign to Sub Pop until six months later, which I would think would make them more appropriate for the NEXT ballot in 2014. Posted by JDM on Monday, 05/20/2013 @ 21:02pm |
Nirvana. I don't even know where to begin. Probably my favourite band next to the Beatles and Led Zeppelin of course. You know, there's a lot of controversy over them. There's always haters. I mean, if you respect my music I can respect yours. I think Nirvana should be inducted. Not just because twy are one of my favourite bands. But for real reasons, that anyone would understand. They changed music in general. Kurt Cobain was talented in his profession. So were Dave Grohl and Krist Novoselic. Not to mention Chad Channing and the line of drummers that came before Grohl. There music, it makes you feel something inside. It's almost melancholy for me. A lot of people think I shouldn't listen to this music. Not my parents, as they showed me what real music is. But they day I shouldn't listen o it because Kurt Cobain killed himself, and that it could lead to depression. But so what man, at least it makes me feel something that no other music can. Nirvana changed my life, and I'm not even old enough to have begun living it. Without nirvana, I don't know where I'd be today or who is be. I say, and I'm guessing a lot of people would agree with me on this one, that if Nirvana and it's sieving members, including their deceased one at that, do not get inducted, as they are eligible with Bleach coming out in 1989, and being eligible this year, I doubt the way we look and understand musc. I will be disgusted in our society. To me, music died when Kurt died. We should induct the last great band. For Kurt. Posted by Grace on Tuesday, 05/21/2013 @ 02:33am |
Grace, I would never question whether or not Nirvana should be in -- they will be on the first ballot they're on. They meant so much to so many people, there's just no doubt, and I should have mentioned that on the first note. I'm just wondering over the timing. It's a stretch, I think, that "Love Buzz" makes them eligible for the ballot this year because Sub Pop put out the single in late, late 1988. Technically they're eligible, but really? Posted by JDM on Tuesday, 05/21/2013 @ 04:47am |
Music didn't disappear after Nirvana. There are lots of bands out there worth checking out, even today. You just have to dig around. Posted by Cheesecrop on Tuesday, 05/21/2013 @ 05:29am |
As you look at the reason for why to consider Nirvana you have to look back at the entire history of rock n rock. The face of rock n roll has taken on many images as it developed you need to look at each of those musicians that inspired those changes. We have jazz to blues to rock heavy metal punk hair bands and Nirvana took us to a new realm never before experienced or expressed. Curt spoke of feelings we knew but couldn't say, didn't know how to talk about or tell our parents. These were our raw emotions never before said all other rock spoke of such women abuse love hate anger but this was just us the voices in our head a total new voice with a loud drum beat from Dave & Chris cranking it out there on the side. There is no other influence that took music to the next step and the next age moving forward. Thanks Curt,Dave,Chris Nirvana they should be in the hall and give no invite to Courtney I don't want to see that b**ch Posted by Cy on Friday, 05/24/2013 @ 01:38am |
YES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Posted by Happy on Thursday, 08/8/2013 @ 12:52pm |
okay nirvana should definetly get in they are one of the few bright spots in a very very shitty decade yes they might get overhyped but i think they are not the most overhyped band of the 90s i think that claim goes to radiohead and just to say all four major grunge bands will get in with some other bands from the 90s getting in not many though and Nirvana should definetly be a first ballot band but it might not happen deep purple should be in(first balloters too) and they are not in and there are a ton of other bands that elligble that are not in and should be so i think what some people are angry at is that some classic rockers are getting passed over for some bands that should not be fist ballot bands ( Guns n' Roses and red hot chilli peppers) i like nirvana i will say that but if you are angry at them for being popular or getting in before Kiss, Deep Purple and Priest is a little shortsighted and stupid those bands will get in eventually but i can not forgive people hating them for being popular that is the one thing that annoys the hell out of me. Posted by Thomas on Tuesday, 08/27/2013 @ 10:39am |
Since Nirvana was short lived and they only made three albums and Chad Channing was on one of the albums, he could be included in the induction. Posted by |
http://www.rollingstone.com/music/pictures/readers-poll-the-10-bands-who-should-enter-the-rock-and-roll-hall-of-fame-in-2014-20130424/10-nirvana-0583117 Posted by |
NIRVANA Posted by |
Since Nirvana was short lived and they only made three albums and Chad Channing was on one of the albums, he could be included in the induction. Posted by |
While we're in the process of waiting for next year's nominees to be announced, I might as well put in my $0.02 for Nirvana. Posted by Jason Voigt on Friday, 10/11/2013 @ 10:26am |
Getting back to Nirvana, I don't remember when so-called professional music critics started to hail Nirvana as legends, or 'the group that changed everything', 'rock and roll wasn't the same after Nirvana', etc. What really gets me is that people still believe hair metal died when Nirvana came out, and the myth that they invented grunge rock. Don't get me wrong, Nirvana helped bring grunge to the mainstream and probably opened the door for some punk bands (Offspring), but please, don't make these people poster children for changing rock and roll. Posted by Cheesecrop on Friday, 10/11/2013 @ 16:07pm |
I don't know if you read Spin magazine (or maybe it was Blender?), but it had an issue put out a few years ago about R&R's greatest myths. Of course, one of them was about Nirvana killing hair metal. Their argument was that hair metal was already dead by the time Nirvana came about. I don't have the article on me at the moment, but I remember they stated a good backup of their claim. Posted by Jason Voigt on Saturday, 10/12/2013 @ 19:12pm |
Nirvana suffers a backlash of the media such as Rolling Stone treating them like The Beatles. They were a good band. Their Unplugged performance was excellent, showing a band that honed its craft before countless live audiences. Posted by astrodog on Sunday, 10/13/2013 @ 09:16am |
I'd say that Nirvana did kill off hair metal. But, at that point, it was more a "last nail in the coffin" deal, rather than blowing it away singehandedly. Posted by GFW on Sunday, 10/13/2013 @ 12:51pm |
One thing that I vividly remember at the time is that when Nirvana, Alice in Chains and Pearl Jam started to break, they were lumped into Metal. They were played on Headbanger's Ball and Metal radio and covered in Metal magazines. Metal is what the industry was pushing at the time. Posted by DarinRG on Sunday, 10/13/2013 @ 16:54pm |
It would've been mainstream in the 80's, had they let it in/had it been accepted in the 80's. Posted by Cheesecrop on Sunday, 10/13/2013 @ 18:42pm |
Chad Channing is mentioned in Nirvana's Rock Hall bio. Posted by |
Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame Inductees Who Will Vote For Nirvana Posted by |
If Nirvana does not make it in this time around, why? The question would become why did Metallica get in the first time around? Why is Metallica more popular than Nirvana. Beastie Boys and Red Hot Chilli Peppers were nominated twice before being inducted. Could that happen to Nirvana? Posted by |
If Nirvana does get inducted, who will induct them? Will it be Eddie Vedder again like he did with Neil Young, R.E.M., The Doors, and The ramones? And who will play with nirvana onstage? Paul McCartney again? What does the Nirvana fans think? Posted by Luis Medina on Monday, 10/28/2013 @ 17:26pm |
I see that a lot of people are against Nirvana or don't see Nirvana personal importance in rock. To be honest,they were the last band to have a great effect on music culture. And its true that Kurt Cobain was the last great rock icon. We have not since seen an artist that had such a lasting effect on everyone in the last 25 years. Think about, everyone and I mean everyone still reference Kurt Cobain in one way or another. In my middle school and high school, and even my college, kids still wear nirvana and Kurt Cobain clothing and accessories. Everyone from any ethnicities love Nirvana. I see a lot of Asians, African American, Latinos and white people who just love Nirvana. I never seen anything like that ever, that showed so much love for an artist. Posted by Luis Medina on Monday, 10/28/2013 @ 17:55pm |
I think they will get IN Posted by Happy on Monday, 11/11/2013 @ 12:37pm |
Since Nirvana was short lived and they only made three albums and Chad Channing was on one of the albums, he could be included in the induction. Posted by |
No doubt they will be on the ROF because there song and essence is still there. Posted by Ginno on Wednesday, 12/11/2013 @ 07:16am |
Chad Channing is mentioned in both, the nominee and inductee bio for Nirvana. Nirvana only produced three albums. Channing was on one album. He will be inducted. Posted by |
Nirvana, number 1 with a shotgun slug and we all knew it. How many rock and heavy metal acts that were GOOD got stiffed for these hacks? They weren't even their era's best band out of Seattle, Washington. Posted by Neckbeard on Friday, 12/20/2013 @ 21:57pm |
http://www.rollingstone.com/music/videos/courtney-love-says-nirvanas-rock-hall-induction-might-be-awkward-20140212#ixzz2t7dmBU4G Posted by |
I don't think it's asking too much for Courtney and Dave to be grown-ups for one night. I still think Courtney would be the best person to sing Kurt's part on a performance with Dave and Kurt. Unfortunately, Rock Hall inductions don't have the most superb track record of hatchets being buried. Posted by Philip on Wednesday, 02/12/2014 @ 21:00pm |
Hatchets get buried at these ceremonies. Only it's typically in someone's back. Posted by astrodog on Wednesday, 02/12/2014 @ 22:33pm |
I think that Courtney is going to induct them. Who do all y'all hope inducts them? Posted by Karl Singleton on Sunday, 03/2/2014 @ 21:10pm |
"I think that Courtney is going to induct them. Who do all y'all hope inducts them?" Posted by Philip on Sunday, 03/2/2014 @ 21:48pm |
Why in the freakazoid would they appoint NEIL YOUNG to induct NIRVANA? It doesn't make sense. Get someone from the 90's grunge scene to induct them. Examples: Eddie Veeder,Chris Cornell,Billy Corgan. Guys like that. Neil Young came LONG before Nirvana. And truthfully that would be like in 2012 asking PAUL MCCARTNEY to induct RED HOT CHILI PEPPERS. It just doesn't work. Two completely different genres and two completely different moods. Get a 90's grungeman to induct Nirvana Posted by Karl Singleton on Sunday, 03/9/2014 @ 10:59am |
Wow, not only no sense of humor, but also doesn't even get the joke. Posted by Philip on Monday, 03/10/2014 @ 13:16pm |
How WAS that a joke? Posted by Karl Singleton on Monday, 03/10/2014 @ 18:41pm |
It was a very dark joke. Google "Kurt Cobain Neil Young." Posted by Philip on Tuesday, 03/11/2014 @ 13:13pm |
As an aside though, it wouldn't be uncharacteristic of the Hall to have someone like Young to induct a more contemporary act: the Boss inducting U2, Harry Belafonte inducting Public Enemy, Neil Young inducting the Pretenders, and that's not even mentioning what Chris Rock and Tom Hanks were doing inducting the RHCP and DC5 respectively. So yeah, if it wasn't for the dark humor behind it, it wouldn't be beyond the realm of possibility for ol' Neil to do it. Still unlikely, but not impossible. Posted by Philip on Tuesday, 03/11/2014 @ 13:22pm |
Well, here are some more examples of inductions that just won't work, because the artists aren't simalar: Posted by Karl Singleton on Wednesday, 03/12/2014 @ 21:53pm |
Wow... just wow... are you really that dense? Did you even google what I suggested you look up so you could get the joke from earlier? Posted by Philip on Wednesday, 03/12/2014 @ 22:23pm |
First of all it was NOT a joke. It DEEPLY offended Neil. Why would he take the honor if someone wrote a note saying he f'd with you. I defenitly wouldn't do that Posted by Karl Singleton on Thursday, 03/13/2014 @ 19:57pm |
What Kurt did was not a joke. The comment I made about Young inducting Nirvana in light of that knowledge, that was a joke. And a funny one. Very wrong, but still funny. Get a sense of humor. Posted by Philip on Thursday, 03/13/2014 @ 23:04pm |
Chad Channing is being included in the induction. Posted by |
Weird Al Yankovic should be brought in to dress like Kurt Cobain and sing Smells Like Teen Spirit at the induction ceremony. Posted by |
They are saying something special is being done for Nirvana at the ceremony. I'm guessing a hologram of Kurt Cobain, or a video of him singing with the other members of Nirvana actually performing along to the video. A Nat King Cole/Natalie Cole sort of thing. Posted by |
I know some will see it sacrilegious to even joke about it, but I always thought "Heart-Shaped Box" would make a great jingle for women's underwear. To wit: "HANES her WAY!" Posted by Philip on Monday, 04/14/2014 @ 22:34pm |
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SKAV57XuGHQ Posted by |
I LOVED what they did with Joan Jett and Kim Gordon. But I'm waiting for The Runaways and Sonic Youth to be inducted!!! Posted by BulmaPunkRocker on Sunday, 07/6/2014 @ 22:09pm |
I came up in the 70's with Zepp, Aerosmith, Bad Co, Cheap Trick, Foreigner, etc. Bands that incorperated melody, guitar solos and big chorus into there music. When the 80's broke, more emphisis was placed on the solo and sing along chorus. Many of the Hair Bands were equipped with vocalists with unlimted range and guitar virtuosos. Sure, there was plenty of bubblegum with bands like Poisen and Warrent. But bands like Motley, Ratt, Dokken, Dio, and Great White carried the torch. When everyone said no more big hair and spandex, the 90's broke. The first time i heard Smells like teen spirit i said no, oh no. Gone were the melodies, great guitar solos, and high energy. Following music for 40+yrs, i still dont get Nirvana. Yes, Groelh is a great talent and i like the Foo fighters, but Cobain had zero range, indistinguishable lyrics, and there songs were depressing. Posted by Rock Authority on Thursday, 08/28/2014 @ 20:04pm |
I disagree on this one Posted by Jim on Wednesday, 02/25/2015 @ 22:50pm |
Wanted to Congratulate Nirvana on their induction to RRHOF 2014 and their influential music. I think the Nirvana MTV Unplugged was my FAV of the series. Showed the depth and greatness of the band. My FAV on that show Plateau and Lake Of Fire. Kurt was big time was in my late teens when he died. Thanks to the RRHOF Committee for inducting Nirvana 1st ballot. I thought they might wait a year. Nevermind just exploded onto the scene. Remember singing Come As You Are, Teen Spirit, Lithium etc. Wish Kurt was still with us but Nirvana lives on through the memories and the music. KING Posted by KING on Wednesday, 05/27/2015 @ 18:06pm |
https://mobile.twitter.com/KristNovoselic?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw Posted by |
The last band that ever mattered, for sure! Posted by Luke Madigan on Monday, 05/8/2017 @ 16:35pm |
There was an episode of MTV Cribs where Dave Grohl turns on the radio in his kitchen and Get Down On It is playing. Grohl starts dancing and clapping, and Taylor Hawkins is laughing. Posted by |
Streaming Masters- Nirvana Posted by The Dude on Monday, 01/21/2019 @ 16:07pm |
https://www.billboard.com/articles/columns/rock/8467457/campaign-reunite-nirvana-with-nickelback-chad-kroeger Posted by |
^ And it was clearly made by a troll who is pissing the fans off and also the whiners who always bitches about Nickelback simply because they don’t make watered down critic-friendly hipster music like Arcade Fire and Florence + the Machine. Everybody knows Kurt is irreplaceable and it’s sad enough we have Queen without Freddie when they shoulda rename themselves a long time ago after John’s departure. Posted by The Dude on Sunday, 03/3/2019 @ 00:10am |
https://www.ultimate-guitar.com/news/general_music_news/nikki_sixx_says_grunge_is_not_to_blame_for_death_of_glam_metal_claims_rock_hall_banned_motley_crue_from_ever_entering.html Posted by The Dude on Saturday, 03/30/2019 @ 10:34am |
So far, their Unplugged live album have shipped more than eight million copies here in the states, will it join the diamond club years from now? It's an 8x platinum album currently. Posted by The Dude on Thursday, 02/27/2020 @ 16:41pm |
Future Rock Legends is your home for Nirvana and the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, including year of eligibility, number of nominations, induction chances, essential songs and albums, and an open discussion of their career.
This site is not affiliated with the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum.