Sonic Youth

Not in the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame

Eligible since: 2008

First Recording: 1982

Previously Considered? Yes  what's this?

Sonic Youth
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Inducted into Rock Hall Revisited in 2008 (ranked #131) .

R.S. Top 500 Albums (?)RankVersion
Daydream Nation1712020
Daydream Nation3282012

R.S. Top 500 Songs (?)RankVersion
Teenage Riot (1988)1572021

Essential Albums (?)WikipediaYouTube
Evol (1986)
Sister (1987)
Daydream Nation (1988)
Goo (1990)
Dirty (1992)
Sonic Nurse (2004)

Essential Songs (?)WikipediaYouTube
Starpower (1986)
Schizophrenia (1987)
Teenage Riot (1988)
'Cross the Breeze (1988)
Kool Thing (1990)
Dirty Boots (1990)
100% (1992)
Bull in the Heather (1994)

Sonic Youth @ Wikipedia

Will Sonic Youth be inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame?
"Musical excellence is the essential qualification for induction."
No :


13 comments so far (post your own)

Hugely productive and beyond seminal band that has done a great job making sure their legacy will stand up over time. Daydream Nation is one of the great musical statements of the last 25 years, the Library of Congress has codified it in its "American music" classics catologue, and the 25th anniversary is coming up fast -- October 2013. This anniversary will be a great hook for them next year.

As much as I like bands like Janes Addiction, Yes, KISS or Cheap Trick, New York Dolls (not in any order), I have a feeling Sonic Youth just might be recognized before them all. Maybe along with Deep Purple next year? Can you imagine the mind-blowing version of "Smoke on the Water" that would erupt out of that? Can't wait to see it ...

Although I might have to.

Posted by JDM on Monday, 05/20/2013 @ 20:29pm

Uh oh - Janes' Nothing's Shocking 25th anniversary release date is coming up, too -- in August 2013. Nirvana's Bleach is then in June 2014. Wonder how all this is going to flesh out. Hopefully, not with Sonic Youth getting the snub, but it seems the most likely thing.

Nirvana's first single would be in November 1988, Love Buzz, but then, not too many people heard it until a couple of years later. Cripes, Dave Grohl wasn't in the band until 1990. Is Nirvana really going to be eligible on the next/current ballot?

I would have them wait a year, until 2015 ceremony.

Posted by JDM on Monday, 05/20/2013 @ 20:44pm

Better than your favourite band and long overdue.

Posted by Chalkie on Saturday, 09/7/2013 @ 12:20pm

It be a shame if a band like Radiohead gets inducted before Sonic Youth. KISS proved the whole thing is kind of a farce. The future of this thing will be more about ticket sales and eyeballs for HBO.

Posted by Channing on Sunday, 06/1/2014 @ 12:09pm

I can't believe they haven't been inducted yet. Nirvana's in and SY not? What, Thurston Moore should have died at 27 to make it?

Posted by BulmaPunkRocker on Sunday, 07/6/2014 @ 22:48pm

Daydream Nation is such a great album. It just leaves you Thurston for Moore.

Posted by Max on Wednesday, 10/19/2016 @ 21:53pm

What's worse than Nirvana beating Sonic Youth in to the RRHOF? Frickin' Pearl Jam beating Sonic Youth in. At least Nirvana was a great band. Pearl Jam is warmed over Bad Company riffs for drunken frat boys and Cubs fans to feel "deep".

Posted by David on Friday, 12/23/2016 @ 14:39pm

Song Project Essential Song Snubs. (Food for thought if someone needs something to nominate)

Schizophrenia (1987)
Candle (1988)
Dirty Boots (1990)
100% (1992)

Posted by Paul K. on Sunday, 11/12/2017 @ 15:00pm

Sonic Youth doesn't get enough credit for shaping the alternative music scene of the late 80's-1990s. Although they are one of the rare female fronted bands. There's much more to them than female eye candy. Kim Gordon and Thurston Moore are like the Stevie Nicks and Lindsey Buckingham of the 90s, and not because they're a woman and a man performing songs together. Like Nicks/Buckingham, they have chemistry while they perform. So, give SY a chance, Rock Hall.

Posted by Liam on Monday, 06/15/2020 @ 13:00pm

In my opinion they'll probably get in within the next decade.

Posted by David on Wednesday, 02/24/2021 @ 09:02am

Just another WTF moment, brought to you exclusively from Rock Hall!?

Posted by Tim on Tuesday, 12/28/2021 @ 18:58pm

MI/ME candidates in 2030s

Posted by power on Saturday, 04/27/2024 @ 09:59am

Everybody! - I am Maik(47) from Germany. Since 35years I'm an Rock-Enthusiast and Till Today I was Sure that the 'Rock'N'Roll Hall of Fame' is an honourable, trustful Predict for People, Musicians and Bands of the Rock-Scene who were very succesful...have shaped History or had shown a rare Artistic-/Instrumental- HighLevel in Rock-Music! ...but... as I studied the Hall Today, I doubt a little! and Seriously Said I was a (little) Bit shocked!, in Case of that the Band SONIC YOUTH IS Not integrated!??? - This Band Had exist for 30years and shaped the Generes Noise-Rock and Alternative-Rock more than Any Other Band in History!!! by many Facts:
- founded 1981, a mostly still conservative Era they created Rock-Music in a new, Community-unaccepted and Extemly Experimental Style and Not only stand the Critics, No! they began to created and build Up this Genere and a Scene!
- 1981 was also a Time, in that Woman still had No Voice or we're accepted in Themes above Household, Child-Education or grew Flowers!, but a Girl named Kim Gordon let Not surpress herself mind and Love to Play Rock-Music! - So she was a rare Girl 1.) who was exemplary about fight for Woman-Rights! and 2.) that strong Charackter sign, let her grew Up to a creative Female RockMusic-Icon and 3.) to a Girl who Not only stand more than four Decades of Hard Rockstar Lifestyle, No she Overtake the lead Till Today! what maybe a Handful(!?) (Rocking-)Woman we're strong enough for in that art!!!(i know only Stevie Knicks!)
- The Style and Experimental Creativity of SONIC YOUTH inspirated the Alternative Rock-Scene(far away of Mainstream-Charts!!!) Like Nobody else before wich Had an VERY Special(unknown) Effect to a whole new Generation of Bands! - Today it is a True Fact, that SY Did the very First Step in creating a Brandnew RockMusic-Genere wich overwhelmed the Whole Planet in the 1990's and get famous AS the Phenomen called 'Grunge'!!!
- SONIC YOUTH wrote Lots of Songs with very smart Lyrics, often against Racism...Misogny...and Other Forces wich in our modern World are Seen AS Totally unacceptable or mostly get banned!!!(Not only Easy-Living Non-Message-Songs Like many Other Stars...and ALL Self-Written and Composed!!!)

There's a Lot more What can told about SONIC YOUTH, but I must Go to Work in a hour!, so I will end with some I saw in the Hall and what I really don't understand!!! -- FIRST: I think 99% in the Hall have earned their Hall-Places!!! ...but...SORRY! you Did Not integrate 30YEARS Rock'N'Roll shaping SONIC YOUTH...but let enter a 'Jump ON the Train' + Uncreative Combo Like Pearl Jam??? It's only My Opinion, but PJ have less right to the Hall than most OneHitWonder-Artists...Uncreative...only active while the Fame-(cashing)Time...Mid-class-Level Musicians...??? - What was the Case to allow them Entering the Holy-Hall??? -- SECOND: PLEASE!!! Why is Rapper and Women-Rights-Enemy(I only say Case 'MTV') Jay-Z a Member???...RAP?...ROCK! ??? ~ THIRD: Same Thing! - Don't understand Me wrong, I am a BIG Fan of Honourable Eminem and Sure! He is an Absolutely IDOL WHO have My Biggest Respect and Earned a "Music-(Rap-)Medal of Honourable" for His Music-Lifework!!!...but...He belongs into the RAP'N'HIP-HOP Hall of Fame!!! or IF into the Rock-Hall then Please behind SONIC YOUTH![and also Smashing Pumpkins! ;-)]

Thank's for let Me speech! RESPECT and PEACE to All of you! and...Like the God of Rock'N'Roll NY Songs "Rock'N'Roll can Never die!"...

Posted by Maik Burghardt on Saturday, 09/7/2024 @ 12:19pm

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Future Rock Legends is your home for Sonic Youth and the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, including year of eligibility, number of nominations, induction chances, essential songs and albums, and an open discussion of their career.

This site is not affiliated with the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum.